Media Round Up – January 2018

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It’s hard to believe that we’re already into February! It’s been full steam ahead for The Resilience Engine team in January onboarding new clients onto our Resilience Guides and Toolkits as well as starting our next cohort on the Resilience Accreditation Programme. Below is a roundup of our most popular curated content from our social media feeds.


One third of UK professionals suffer from depression or anxiety by Lee Biggins 

The emergence of the tick box mental health culture by Helen Smith

Are companies doing enough to deal with burnout in their workforce? by Owen Gough  

Workforce wellbeing makes sound business sense via the IoD


The Three P’s of resilience: How to bounce back by Chris Swenson 

You Don’t Just Need One Leadership Voice, You Need Many by Amy Jen Su 

How to Juggle Leading and Living by Julie Morris

Ambiguity at Work: Friend, Foe, or a Bit of Both? by Think Afresh 


How leaders can win back their employees’ hearts and minds

UK lags behind the world for worker engagement by Sarah Marrs

Employers are almost unanimous in seeing a direct correlation between workplace health and performance, a study by benefits provider Aon Employee Benefits

Culture’s Role In Corporate Transformation by David Michels 


What Self Awareness Really Is (and How to Cultivate It) by Dr. Tasha Eurich 

How to Develop Extraordinary Resilience by Leo Babauta 

Psychotherapist Philippa_Perry‘s guide to resilience in the workplace

Five ways to set yourself up for success in 2018 by Erika Lucas 


Mark Conway, Technology & Marketing Partner
Curated on behalf of The Resilience Engine by Oak Consult